Join the fight: Become a member of Workers Strike Back today!

By Workers Strike Back. Published November 10, 2023

We’ve shown when we fight, we can win. Now we’re asking you to JOIN Workers Strike Back now, as part of our first national membership drive!

Since launching in March of this year, Workers Strike Back has been on the move. We’ve established active chapters that span the country: from Seattle to Boston, Madison to Houston. We organized launch events in eleven cities on a set of fighting demands. We created our weekly broadcast, On Strike, that covers issues from the perspective of workers’ needs — not billionaire greed — and provides an analysis and strategy to build working-class movements.

Now we are holding our first national membership drive to ask the thousands of people who support us across the country to JOIN Workers Strike Back and get involved.

During our national weeks of action, Workers Strike Back has organized community tables and rallies to raise over $30,000 to support the most important union drive in the country at  Amazon’s largest air hub, KCVG. The fight to unionize the un-unionized should be the top priority of the entire labor movement. Unions are the main tool workers have to defend themselves against the bosses. Workers Strike Back pledges to continue going all out to support the ongoing fight at KCVG.

In Seattle, Councilmember Kshama Sawant, who helped launch Workers Strike Back, has been able to build the movement by bringing forward historic legislation in 2023. Workers Strike Back built the broad community pressure necessary to win the first legislation outside of South Asia to ban caste discrimination. That our independent, movement-building approach was necessary to win is evident with the callous veto of even a much weaker version of the bill in California by Democratic Governor and presidential hopeful Gavin Newsom.

Despite opposition from self-proclaimed progressive Democrats in Seattle, Workers Strike Back collected thousands of signatures and fought for strong rent control legislation free from corporate loopholes.

In Houston, Workers Strike Back is organizing with unionized educators and standing against attempts to privatize and shut down public schools.

In Madison, graduate students are working with Workers Strike Back and building a rank-and-file fightback against vicious union busting laws in Wisconsin.

Join Workers Strike Back now to become part of our fight for a 25 dollar an hour minimum wage, union jobs, Medicare for All, and against discrimination and oppression. Workers Strike Back is also calling for a new party for working people, because neither the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party represents us.

Becoming a member of Workers Strike Back means supporting our 5 demands and paying monthly dues. With those resources, we’ve helped organize working class struggles around the country and launched our weekly broadcast, On Strike, to provide news and analysis to beat the bosses.

Workers Strike Back is also building regular meetings to discuss what strategies are needed to win real gains for working people. Workers Strike Back members are invited to participate in regular meetings in areas where we have active chapters.

If there’s not yet a chapter in your area, please get in touch so we can talk more about building one. Getting started can be as easy as booking a room and building for a watch party of an episode of On Strike.

In 2024, we want to build on our victories and organize Workers Strike Back chapters in many more cities. That work starts with hundreds of people who support our demands joining Workers Strike Back today. Then initiating conversations with coworkers, neighbors, fellow students, and friends who you know who are fed up with the billionaires driving down the quality of life for working people everywhere.

When we fight, we can win. Join today and stay tuned for our first national Zoom meeting for all Workers Strike Back members in early 2024.


WATCH: Amazon workers confront bosses — END UNION BUSTING at KCVG!


Amazon workers threatened with firing by General Manager