Amazon workers threatened with firing by General Manager

By Workers Strike Back. Published November 8, 2023


6 Amazon workers at the KCVG air hub in northern Kentucky were threatened yesterday by the air hub’s General Manager, Karthik Bagavathi Pandian, with disciplinary action “up to termination.”

This is illegal intimidation for protected union activity. But we know that workers can’t rely on the law or the National Labor Relations Board to protect them. We need mass solidarity to fight back against these attacks by Amazon management.



☎️Call GM Karthik now at 513-399-0748 and Site Director Jessica Stewart at 630-244-2208 - Click here for a call script provided by the union!

📩Send an email NOW to upper management at KCVG to demand they stop their union busting! (if your browser doesn’t allow auto-generated emails, click here to copy/paste the template instead)

DONATE $30 or more NOW to the union drive to help them pay for legal fees and build their fight for $30/hour at Amazon!


Watch the video of management’s intimidation and read the full message from KCVG workers below, calling for urgent solidarity from other working people.

A message from KCVG workers

Yesterday, Amazon management threatened to fire 6 pro-union workers at KCVG, Amazon’s biggest air hub. We need your help to fight back!

Watch this video of Amazon Air General Manager Karthik Bagavathi Pandian threatening to discipline workers including “up to termination” for talking to coworkers about the union.


Yesterday, we set up a table and voting station for co-workers to vote on where Amazon should spend their $10 billion third quarter profits, which was only made possible by OUR hard work.

The result? Over 120 KCVG workers voted, and they want Amazon to spend those profits on things like a $30/hr starting wage and free, on-site childcare - not another $500 million super-yacht for Jeff Bezos.

5 SEPARATE TIMES groups of high-up Amazon managers came out to try to intimidate us and get us to pack up the table and leave. But we stood our ground, because we have a right to organize a union at KCVG. Then, the General Manager of KCVG, Karthik Bagavathi Pandian, threatened to fire us for “insubordination” if we refused to leave.

This is blatantly illegal, anti-union intimidation by top Amazon management. If we don’t respond urgently, Amazon will be emboldened to escalate their attacks on our union campaign. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO FIGHT BACK!


Join the fight: Become a member of Workers Strike Back today!


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