Amazon fires union organizer and escalates illegal attacks—stand with workers now!

By Workers Strike Back. Published December 9, 2023

Amazon is on the attack. Pro-union workers across the country are being written up and fired, in a coordinated national attack by Amazon management.

Last week, 11 pro-union workers at the KCVG air hub were written up for “insubordination” just for talking to their co-workers at union tables outside of the facility.

Now, Amazon has fired Connor Spence, a key union organizer at the JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island, which successfully unionized in April last year. This retaliatory firing comes just days after Connor visited workers at the KCVG air hub and was “badge challenged” (ID checked) on-site by KCVG management.

The fight to unionize Amazon won’t succeed without unflinching solidarity across the workers’ movement. Amazon is willing to flagrantly break the law to stop workers from unionizing. That’s why Workers Strike Back members are carrying out monthly national weeks of action to support the KCVG drive. In November we raised $10,000 from hundreds of ordinary working people who support a union at Amazon.

Connor and Amazon workers at both unionizing facilities JFK8 & KCVG need your support!

SIGN NOW: demand that Amazon reinstate Connor Spence and rescind ALL illegal write-ups against pro-union workers at KCVG.

Then donate $30 or whatever you can to support workers at JFK8, to pay for Connor’s expenses so he can continue building the union while he challenges this illegal firing in court. All money raised in this appeal will go to support Connor Spence and JFK8 organizing.

The labor movement has been in decline for decades, but we have an opportunity right now to reverse the trend. Union elections last year increased by 50 percent. Nearly half a million workers walked out on strike demanding better pay and conditions. Amazon workers are unionizing and fighting for $30/hour at the company’s biggest air hub, KCVG. UAW, in the wake of winning 25% raises from the Big Three auto manufacturers, has launched an organizing drive at 13 non-union auto companies, representing more than 150,000 workers. Support for unions is at a 60-year high, and workers have the power to fight and win.

But the revival of the union movement won’t happen automatically. Big business feels threatened by the resurgence of the labor movement, and they will fight back. We need to build strong, fighting organizations if we’re going to win.

Become a member of Workers Strike Back TODAY. Join us, and help build an organization that can take on big business, take on the corporate two-party system, and provide the fighting strategy that the labor movement urgently needs to win.


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WATCH: Amazon workers confront bosses — END UNION BUSTING at KCVG!