News and analysis from Workers Strike Back
Fight the Rich
It’s time to declare war on the rich.
We need to build an organized, unified movement of working people to systematically take on the rich who run society and to undermine their ability to rule. Our goal must be to both fight for radical change in the present and to bring down the billionaires and their system, capitalism.
Boeing Workers Vote to Continue the Fight: Escalation & Double Strike Pay Needed to Win!
Workers Strike Back stands in solidarity with the Boeing workers on strike, who have just rejected the company's latest offer by a supermajority of 64 percent.
How Can We End the War on Gaza?
◊ End the genocidal war on Gaza, the occupation, and all U.S. military aid to the Israeli state!
◊ Fully fund Medicare for All including gender-affirming care & abortion, and massively invest in high quality affordable housing for working people!
◊ Unions should call for a national one-day strike and walk-out of students and workers and build for a mass nationally coordinated protest against the genocide!
◊ No to Harris and Trump - build for the largest possible vote for Left antiwar pro-worker candidate Jill Stein, as a step towards a new antiwar party for the working class!
Working People, the Antiwar Movement & the 2024 Presidential Election
From the war on Gaza to the deep cost of living crisis facing working people, the stakes of this election could not be higher. Contrary to the mainstream media outlets portraying the choice in this election as between a “Marxist” and a “fascist,” both Harris and Trump are warmongering representatives of the billionaire class.

Join Workers Strike Back
Do you agree with our demands? We need working and young people across the country to get involved and organize in their workplaces, campuses, and communities. Sign up for a monthly donation now.