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DISRUPT THE DNC! Rally in Chicago August 20! In person + Livestream

The genocidal war on Gaza is escalating. Meanwhile, the political establishment and media have presented working people with a rotten false choice: right-wing billionaire Donald Trump or the Democrats’ newly-chosen warmonger Kamala Harris.

Working people need to reject Harris AND Trump. We need to build an independent movement that can end this war on Gaza and win real gains for working people. Join Workers Strike Back for a rally in Chicago on August 20, in person or via livestream, to demand an end to the slaughter and an end to ALL U.S. funding of the Israeli war machine.

Register below to join independent antiwar Presidential candidate Jill Stein, socialist & former Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant, Revolutionary Blackout Network cofounder Nick Cruse, and working people across the country to disrupt the DNC and get organized to demand an end to the genocidal war on Gaza!

Chicago rally details:

Tuesday, August 20 @ 6 pm Central

Grace Church of Logan Square

3325 W Wrightwood Ave, Chicago, IL 60647

August 11

KANSAS CITY Meeting w/ Jill Stein, Kshama Sawant, and Nick Cruse - Disrupt the DNC!

August 28

Seattle ORGANIZING CONFERENCE - Defend Our Minimum Wage & ALL Seattle Workers’ Movement Victories