Stand with striking Boeing machinists! - MODEL UNION RESOLUTION

Workers Strike Back members are organizing in their unions to pass the following resolution, in solidarity with 33,000 machinists on strike against Boeing. We urge all union members to organize with coworkers to pass such resolutions, to ensure that Boeing workers have the material support necessary to build their strike fund and win their fight for a 40 percent raise + annual bonuses, retroactive pensions for all, and an end to mandatory overtime.

Resolution to give material support to IAM District 751 in their strike against Boeing corporation.


The 33,000 members of Local 751 of the International Association of Machinists who work for Boeing corporation in the State of Washington went on strike beginning at 12:01am on Friday, September 13th, after voting down the company's contract offer with a 94.6% ‘No’ vote and a 96% vote in favor of going on strike; and


Ten years ago, Boeing workers were forced to give up their defined benefit pensions and forced to pay more for healthcare in return for a bonus system known as AMPP, worth about $4,000 annually, and promises of job security which turned out to be fraudulent, and those workers vowed to be "Out The Door In 2024"; and


In the ten years since the last contract, workers have seen massive inflation, thousands of job losses, dangerous levels of forced overtime and the notorious attacks on Quality Assurance workers, which have done terrible damage to the company's reputation for safety; and


The workers are demanding a 40% pay raise plus the AMPP bonus, a restoration of the defined benefit pension plan and full and retroactive reinstatement of pension for all workers, and an end to mandatory overtime; and like workers everywhere, Boeing strikers are fighting to restore a decent standard of living in the face of skyrocketing costs; and


The workers were presented with an offer which is limited to a 25% raise over four years which, coupled with the loss of their AMPP bonuses would negate any  raises in years 2, 3 and 4; and which fails to restore their pensions; and


Despite airplane manufacturing being a highly skilled occupation, Boeing’s offer would perpetuate wage tiers that are lower than Seattle’s minimum wage, ensuring a rotating workforce which is not what safe aerospace manufacturing clearly requires; and  


A strong strike supported by the entire labor movement is required to win these demands, and a victory for Boeing workers would be a victory for the whole labor movement, but unfortunately the Machinists' union presently offers strike pay of only $250 a week, which is not adequate and doesn't begin until workers have been out on strike for three weeks, forcing many workers to have to find other employment instead of joining the mass picketing and rallies which a strong strike requires; and


The Machinists' union is appealing for funds on its website, which allows the funds to be directed to the specific local that's in need, at


That this union local will send a strong message of solidarity to IAM District 751 both in writing and through a regular donation of $5,000 per week to support our union siblings in need, so that they can raise their strike pay and strengthen the fight to win all of their demands, raising the bar for all workers and building labor's strength for future battles; and


That this union local will urge our state, national, and/or international union to give additional generous donations to the IAM Local 751 strike fund; and


That this union local will organize picket line visits on a regular basis so that our members can stand in solidarity with our IAM siblings and gain experience on their picket line in preparation for future battles.

An injury to one is an injury to all. Solidarity!


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