Democrats In Washington state, with Governor Bob Ferguson at the lead, are getting ready to slash a shocking $7 billion from the state budget. This would include brazen attacks on the 50,000+ workers unionized with the Washington Federation of State Employees (WFSE), including forcing state workers to take a furlough day every single month for the next two years.
Union and non-union workers need to be bringing the offices and businesses of Washington state to a grinding halt. Workers are the ones that run the state, not the billionaires or the Democratic and Republican Parties that represent them.
Cuts like these are being carried out by Democratic and Republican politicians all around the country. A victory in Washington state, based on mass protests and strike action, would send a clear message to the rich and their two parties: don’t mess with state workers and critical public services.
Tell State Democrats: No Budget Cuts! No Furloughs! Tax the Rich to Fund Our Needs!
Union and non-union workers need to be bringing the offices and businesses of Washington state to a grinding halt. Workers are the ones that run the state, not the billionaires or the Democratic and Republican Parties that represent them.
Sign the petition now!
Saturday, March 15, 2025 @ 12:30 pm
Bloedel Hall at St. Marks Episcopal Cathedral
Seattle, WA
Are you in a union? Pass a union resolution!
Click here for a model resolution calling on the labor movement to organize strikes, protests, and a statewide ballot initiative in Washington to stop the cuts, tax the rich, and fund our needs!
Need help getting started? Here are some first steps!
Read the model union resolution
Talk to your co-workers about the Democrats’ budget cuts, and why the labor movement should organize strike action to stop the furloughs, and a statewide ballot initiative to tax the rich and fund our needs. Make a plan with your co-workers to attend your next union meeting & support the resolution!
Call or email your union president or union rep asking how you can introduce the resolution at your next union meeting. Ask them if they will support it.
Attend your next union meeting and introduce the resolution for discussion and a vote! Explain why you think your union siblings should vote to pass the resolution.
Contact for questions or support!
Read the recent op-ed in The Stranger from rank-and-file WFSE members calling on workers and the labor movement to organize mass protests and strike action to stop the Democrats’ attacks!
And watch the latest episode of On Strike with an interview with WFSE member Jozi Uebelhoer, about how workers can fight back, including how she and members of her union, WFSE Local 889, voted unanimously to call for a statewide Day of Action on Wednesday, April 9 in Olympia to fight these cuts and fight to tax the rich!
Read the resolution passed unanimoulsy by WFSE Local 889.
State Democrats’ Lies — and How to Fight Back
Washington state Democrats are spreading all sorts of lies to justify their draconian, anti-worker budget cuts. That they were “caught unawares” and “have no choice” but to cut budgets. That furlough days are a “small sacrifice” that state workers must accept. That the alternative to these anti-worker attacks is dramatic cuts to public programs. That state workers “can’t strike” because it’s not protected legal activity.
Read the “Lies vs. Reality” document to arm yourself to fight back against these lies and more that are being spread by the Democratic Party.
Petition your community
It’s going to take a movement of tens of thousands of working people to beat back the Democrats’ attacks on state workers. We need to build solidarity among union and non-union workers, with support from workers around the country.
Click here to download a copy of the petition. Print it out, get a clipboard and a couple pens, and go out into your community to sign up neighbors, co-workers, and other working people. Talk to them about why we need to get organized to shut down business as usual, to demand an end to the budget cuts and furloughs, and to tax the rich to fund our needs.