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Rebuild a Fighting Labor Movement: Next Steps For UPS Teamsters

12:00pm Eastern time
11:00am Central time
9:00am Pacific time

350,000 Teamsters were prepared for a historic showdown with UPS. A successful strike could have brought UPS to its knees, and shown workers everywhere that when we fight, we can win. Teamsters’ leadership is celebrating this contract as “historic”, but the reality is the wage increases won’t keep up with inflation. The contract also fails to create 10,000 new full-time jobs, and opens up the possibility for Sunday deliveries. UPS workers need to rebuild a fighting opposition within the Teamsters that is committed to struggling consistently against management, even when union leaders refuse to.

There are huge opportunities to rebuild a fighting labor movement. Workers have led the way organizing the unorganized at corporations like Starbucks and Amazon. Workers at John Deere, Seattle carpenters, and Hollywood writers have taken up strike action as a way to win strong contracts. Join UPS Teamsters and members of Workers Strike Back on a national call to discuss what it will take to rebuild a fighting labor movement.

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